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Common Idioms in the United States
An idiom is a phrase that has a meaning different from the literal interpretation of the individual words and is often used to express a particular idea or cultural reference. In the US, there are many idioms that nurses may have never heard before. ...
Body Language in the US
Communication extends beyond the words we say. Body language is an important piece of the communication puzzle. In fact, a large portion of communication is nonverbal, and each country and community has its own movements that communicate different ...
School for Children
School Schooling, like many other things in the US, varies from state to state, and things are not “one size fits all” when enrolling your children in school. For the most part, every state’s public school begins with kindergarten at the age of five. ...
Costs and Fees of Renting or Buying a Home/Apartment + Tips for Moving
Renting a home in the United States has several moving pieces. Because you have most likely gone through the process of moving into a new home while on deployment, you will likely be familiar with a few aspects of the home/apartment renting ...
Common US Cultural Nuances
Each culture has their own way of doing things and their own norms that may seem quite different from other cultures. Here are a few notable cultural nuances in the United States. Cultural Nuance Examples in the US Imperial system Filling up your own ...