The cost of living varies state to state. Some states have a higher cost of living, but offset that cost by eliminating state income tax. The US is an individualistic society, meaning most items cost per person, not per family.
If you are considering relocating after your Interstaff tenure, use this cost of living comparison tool. This tool is updated monthly for the most accurate cost of living per region/area.
The price of housing, food, gas, etc. is all dependent on your location. Click here to learn the average cost of items in your area.
Deductions from your paycheck typically include mandatory taxes (federal, state, social security, medicare/medicaid), health/vision/dental insurance, additional life insurance, and any other advances that are owed to Interstaff. The amount taken for taxes is dependent on your personal situation; marriage, dependents, and deductions are taken into consideration when applying tax deductions. To calculate your estimated take home salary, please visit the ADP Salary Paycheck Calculator here.