Self-awareness and emotional intelligence are two coping strategies that nurses often use in stressful work situations. Research shows that nurses who have a "positive emotion-focused" strategy — where they reflect on problems and stressors — might deal with burnout better than nurses who don't.
Self awareness and emotional intelligence go hand and hand. Self awareness is the foundation of personal growth & success, and is a key factor to being emotionally intelligent.
1. Keep an emotions diary
2. Set an awareness trigger
3. Reflect on behaviors
4. Develop your feelings vocabulary
5. Know who and what pushes your buttons
6. Ask yourself why you do the things you do
7. Don't treat your feelings as good or bad
8. Observe the ripple effects of your emotions
9. Accept your discomfort
10. Feel your emotions physically
11. Check how you look
12. Spot your emotions in the arts
Bonus: Seek feedback - ask those you trust for feedback on how you react to situations for a varied perspective